It as been very quiet down on the lake for the best part of the week, with very little Anglers getting out. After a few days of blanks. I finally got my first fish of the new year which was a small double coming in at 11lbs on the nose On Wednesday. With temperatures yet again well above average for this time of year, it was always going to be hard targeting the pike. Which it proved to be as both myself and other anglers all drawing blanks over the next few days. Was down again on Saturday and it Looked perfect for pike fishing, especially as everywhere you looked there was pike striking at everything in sight and was a Crime that everyone who was down failed to bring any fish to the bank. A couple of anglers who opted with lure approach did have a few follows from fish, but sadly that’s where it ended. Was down again on the bank just before light on Sunday and to my surprise there was over 20 lines in the water which made any hopes of catching anything disappear. I did manage the 1 run, and another angler pulled out of a fish on the Woodside, but again everyone drew a blank.
